To be the new kid on the blog is often difficult, so what makes our magic different from the rest of the crowd? Why should you invest your hard earned cash into our magic tricks?
Read on to find out more...

Welcome to my first ever Neo Magic blog, well first ever blog that I have written in fact!
If you've never met me before, my name is Vinny and I have enjoyed magic for over 30 years ever since i saw my first trick, which was incidentally the ball and vase. Life has taken me in many directions throughout the years, however, I always find myself back on same beaten path leading to Pandora's box of wonder.
In Jan 2018, I set up Neo Magic and decided to release my first effect through Murphy's Magic, called Word Up. This in my eyes was a completely UNIQUE piece of mentalism that combined elements of magic, the likes of which the world has never seen before. Prior to that, I released The Experiment through James Anthony at Magic World, which literally took the Magic World by storm. If you've not seen that effect, click here.
When it came to launch day for Word Up, I was excited, anxious, optimistic and a little frightened to be honest!
A little effect that I had made from plastic cards, developed over 3 years, was finally going to hit the MAGIC WORLD... cue keyboard warriors on the Magic Cafe. What would I do if everyone said it was rubbish? Go back to the rat race, cut my loses, consider that magic was not my thing?
I was SHOCKED when Word Up started to receive AMAZING reviews from all of the LEADING Magic Magazines such as David Regal's review in Genii Magazine, Paul Romhany review in Vanish Magazine and Phil Shaw's review over at Magic Seen Magazine.
However, it was NOT all plain sailing, some said that the video explanation did not cover a certain move too well, so that put a slight dampener on things.
So, taking that on board, I lugged a box of Word Up's to the Blackpool Magic Convention in Feb 2018 and demonstrated it around 300 times.

I was SHOCKED when Word Up started to receive AMAZING reviews from all of the LEADING Magic Magazines...however, it was NOT all plain sailing.
It become one of the best sellers on my mate's stall and I had now found a better handling, without any moves, or sleight of hand. I re-shot the video explanation and it is now suitable for the complete beginner all the way to the seasoned pro. In fact, Word Up is one of the effects that normally gets the biggest reaction, even over my tried and tested ambitious card and anniversary waltz!
If you've never seen Word Up, check out this little clip and the reactions, plus it has the following benefits:
You can instantly reset it;
Fully examinable at the end;
New super easy video explanation;
The routine is simple and easy to follow;
The cards are made from durable PVC, so will last a lifetime;
Can be carried in your wallet or pocket;
Practically self-working!
Without this first blog turning into a sales pitch, I wanted to justify why you should buy from us with an example. Word Up is that example. We are not in the business of just punting out any 'old tosh' like some companies.
Word Up was originally a word force, and simply that.
Over a period of 3 years, I developed the cards to make their thought of word disappear and then reappear in a crazy place. I also found a way to make the card examinable and show alternative words that they could have selected.
In fact, when I was demonstrating Word Up at the Blackpool Magic Convention, several magicians provided additional tips and tricks, which I had never considered. Ideas from the likes of Michael Murray, Think, Magic Orthodoxy and others have also been added to the online explanation. In addition, I have created a Facebook group so that people can share their ideas for this little effect, which has shot off into tangents that I never imagined.
Anyway, this should go to show you how much time, consideration and development goes into each of our effects. My philosophy when starting Neo Magic was to make magic that was Simple, Easy and Powerful... call it the E.S.P. approach!
I also wanted to remove shipping burdens for customers, therefore, made shipping FREE anywhere in the world. It is not easy starting from scratch, but it is infinitely more rewarding to engage with like minded people, who have a passion for great magic.
With that in mind, let me leave you with this quote:
"The world is round so that friendship may encircle it"
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin